30 Questions to Ask Your Kid instead of “How was your day?”
(This post originally appeared at parent.co by Sara Goldstein. Sept. 1, 2015)
When I picked my son up from his first day of 4th grade,… Continue reading →
I am a ministry professional. A Pastor to be exact. I love what I do! I couldn’t see doing anything else with my life. But it is a profession where it seems like the demands of… Continue reading →
Have you ever really wanted to study the bible but just didn’t know how or even where to start? You have good intentions and start off with a lot zeal, but simply get stumped and discouraged. Believer… Continue reading →
“Oh brother! Another meeting!!!! Just the word “meeting” can give way to images of boredom, daydreaming and frustration. I have found, however, that much of the frustration is in the lack of proper preparation prior to the… Continue reading →
1999 was a hallmark year in my life. I purchased my first home. I celebrated the birth of my 2nd daughter. I assumed my first pastorate. Yes my first pastorate!
After about a year long… Continue reading →
We are all familiar with the headlines of yet another breaking story of a pastor who has fallen victim to sexual sin. Though it is not surprising anymore, it is still a subject that raise eyebrows.
The other day I was grabbing something out of my kitchen cabinet, and a powerful lesson leaped from the shelves. In my kitchen cabinet I have various shelves with different types of utensils on them. … Continue reading →
Managing church operations presents many challenges and decision making is at the core of all managerial functions.
There are many approaches to decision making in business management and it is important to have consistency in the managerial decision making process.… Continue reading →
Any Pastor can attest to the fact that they will be called upon to fulfill numerous roles and wear numerous hats. Knowing when to wear certain hats can become a challenge. Pastors at times have two hats, … Continue reading →
Pastors are people. Some may think that pastors are invincible and unbreakable. But they are real people who can really be hurt.
If you need some ideas to hurt your pastor, one of the following approaches will… Continue reading →