I have a confession to make. They say confession is good for the soul. Ok here it is: I HATE gossip. I mean I really hate it! I have been the subject… Continue reading →
“He just won’t talk to me!!!” If I have heard it once I have heard it a thousand times. It’s the frustration and challenge for women in relationships the world over. Whether that relationship is with a… Continue reading →
Go’ ahead and jump! Are the words that my dad kept repeating, as I stood on the edge of the swimming pool contemplating jumping into the deep end. I would run up to the edge and… Continue reading →
In the mid 80’s popular rap group Whodini had a hit song called “Friends.” In the tagline of the song they raise the question: “Friends, how many of us have them?” They go on to describe… Continue reading →
Remember these 10 things if you truly love an introvert.
1. They enjoy quietly being alone
Yes, we actually enjoy spending time alone. In fact, we thrive off of it. It gives us a chance to gather our thoughts… Continue reading →
A recent Twitter poll of pastors who were asked what they wish church members knew about their children. Here are the top seven responses in order of frequency.
1. Don’t expect more out of pastors’ kids (PKs) than any… Continue reading →
30 Questions to Ask Your Kid instead of “How was your day?”
(This post originally appeared at parent.co by Sara Goldstein. Sept. 1, 2015)
When I picked my son up from his first day of 4th grade,… Continue reading →
I am a ministry professional. A Pastor to be exact. I love what I do! I couldn’t see doing anything else with my life. But it is a profession where it seems like the demands of… Continue reading →