Things You May Not Know About Your Pastor Part 2




Pastoring is a unique vocation. But we can really be misunderstood. Even people who have been in church for a significant length of time don’t really know their pastor the way they should. Here is part two of:

5  things you may not know about your pastor.

I know these to be true for me, but I suspect they may be for your pastor as well.

1.  The better the message – the longer it takes me to prepare it. There are rare exceptions to this for me. If I am going to have a descent message I will have to take time away from other responsibilities to prepare. This could mean I’m not everywhere you hoped I would be.

2.  I get nervous every time I start to preach –  If you didn’t notice – well, glad I’m getting better at covering. But, you do me a tremendous blessing if you whisper a prayer as I step up to preach.

3.  Temptations you face – I face. I’m not immune from temptation. I’m human. You shouldn’t be surprised when I make mistakes. I need lots of grace.  I should be held accountable, but ultimately I’m accountable to God – just as you are.

4.  To my family I’m usually not the Pastor – just a dad. And, I like that.  For my children it may not make much of a difference whether I am the Pastor or not.

5.  I can relate to you better than you think. I like to have a good time. Some would say I’m funny. I even know how to laugh. I don’t even have to be quoting Scripture to do so. We have struggles in our life too. Lots of them. And, the more you see me as a regular person, the more I can relate to the struggles you face and your friends who are afraid to come to church – partly because they think I’m not as human as they.

Check out the new book release!

BookCover Every preacher, public speaker, teacher, and writer knows the value of a well placed and powerful illustration, to help bring light and understanding. But it can become very challenging to find fresh, compelling, and relevant illustrations every week. I am confident that the illustrations compiled here will help with your challenge and search. I have used many of the illustrations personally, so I know they connect! Each illustration has been given a Topic Tag. Topics are arranged alphabetically for easy selection in the index. There is also a 90 day devotional using many of the featured illustrations. So go forward and make a great connection. Your audience is waiting!

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