Recent Posts from Brian D. Hunter
4 Things To Know About Introverts
The word ‘introvert’ has a lot of negative connotations today, particularly when we look at the Western culture that deifies extroversion as the social norm. In every aspects of our lives, the idea of being a hugely social, lively, chatty person who feeds off the energies of others and spends huge amounts of their free […]
6 Ways To Handle Criticism
Let’s be honest! Criticism hurts. Even when it is deemed as “constructive criticism.” No one enjoys hearing something negative about themselves. But I have learned that criticism comes with the territory of being a leader. The truth is there is usually something to be learned from all criticism. Allowing criticism to work for you rather […]
Why Introverts Are So Incredibly Attractive
Introverts are often thought of as shy, aloof, disinterested and at worse “stuck up.” But that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Though introverts keep a low profile, and do not think of themselves as the life of the party. They are among the most incredibly attractive and fascinating people you’ll ever meet. Here’s […]
6 Ways To Handle Gossip
I have a confession to make. They say confession is good for the soul. Ok here it is: I HATE gossip. I mean I really hate it! I have been the subject and topic of gossip, and yes I will admit that I have participated in circles of gossip. Because I […]
Why Do Some Men Shut Down?
“He just won’t talk to me!!!” If I have heard it once I have heard it a thousand times. It’s the frustration and challenge for women in relationships the world over. Whether that relationship is with a brother, a son, a father, significant other, or spouse the work of getting a man to talk can be a daunting […]
Go’ ahead and JUMP!!!!
Go’ ahead and jump! Are the words that my dad kept repeating, as I stood on the edge of the swimming pool contemplating jumping into the deep end. I would run up to the edge and then run back. Look down into the pool and run back. Pacing back and forth, saying to myself […]
Hints You Are About To Make A Leadership Mistake
Any leader can tell you about the exhilarating feeling of the thrill of victory when a plan comes together and even exceeds your wildest imagination. But on the flip side, every leader knows the agony of defeat when you realize you have made a colossal leadership mistake,and the lasting repercussions a mistake may have. […]
Don’t Listen!!!! 4 Types of People Leaders Must Not Listen To
Wise leaders listen to wise people. Because the people we listen to impact our decisions, our attitudes, and our perceptions, it is critical that we listen to the right people. A leader who listens to the wrong people is just as foolish as a leader who doesn’t listen at all. Here are four types of […]
3 types of Friends Every Leader Needs
In the mid 80’s popular rap group Whodini had a hit song called “Friends.” In the tagline of the song they raise the question: “Friends, how many of us have them?” They go on to describe what they think is a real friend. The longer I am in ministry the more I recognize the […]
For Writers
For Writers – By Mark Atteberry At least once a week someone with a dream asks me about some aspect of the writing life. They assume that because I have written ten books I must know all about it. I don’t, and that’s not false modesty. From day one of my writing career I […]
Benefits of A Healthy Pastor
4 WAYS A CHURCH BENEFITS FROM HAVING A HEALTHY PASTOR Most pastors I know are doing their best to meet the needs of others, that oftentimes their own needs are neglected. This is ever so true especially in the area of health. Most pastors do not fit in a regular routine of exercise and […]
10 things to remember if you love an introvert: Part One
Remember these 10 things if you truly love an introvert. 1. They enjoy quietly being alone Yes, we actually enjoy spending time alone. In fact, we thrive off of it. It gives us a chance to gather our thoughts and recharge. It gives us time to do more things that we really like to […]
10 Things to Remember if you love an introvert: Part Two
1. They don’t necessarily have fun at parties Even if everyone is having a great time, it doesn’t necessarily mean that an introvert will. A party with a lot of people just isn’t always fun. We know it’s supposed to be fun bu, large numbers of people in small spaces actually make us feel […]
5 Great Non-Ministry Leadership Books
I know that there are many cutting edge books, theological resources, and timeless literary classics that help us gain direction and ministry insight. But please remember that timely and great insight can come from non-ministry centered books. The wise pastor will discern which principles belong to the marketplace, and which carry over into ministry. […]
Benefits of Being A Quiet Person
I have spent years battling my quiet temperament. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked why I was so quiet I would be a millionaire. I also spent years trying to become the extrovert that everyone wanted me to be. It was not until I learned exactly what an introvert […]
What Pastors Wish Church Members Knew About Their Children
A recent Twitter poll of pastors who were asked what they wish church members knew about their children. Here are the top seven responses in order of frequency. 1. Don’t expect more out of pastors’ kids (PKs) than any other kids. “My children need to have the same expectations as the other children in the […]
Things You May Not Know About Your Pastor Part 2
Pastoring is a unique vocation. But we can really be misunderstood. Even people who have been in church for a significant length of time don’t really know their pastor the way they should. Here is part two of: 5 things you may not know about your pastor. I know these to be true […]
Things You May Not Know About Your Pastor Part 1
Pastoring is a unique vocation and calling. But pastors can really be misunderstood. Even people who have been in church for a significant length of time may not really know some things about their pastor. Here are 5 random things to know about pastors. I know these to be true for me, but I suspect […]
What I Learned About Church Change
CHANGE. It’s necessary if any organization, church or relationship that wants to grow – or even remain alive. Though this certainly true, for the church however it may take some time to catch up. For everything around us changes except the church. We are living in an Mp3, iPod world but the church oftentimes […]
Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Pastored My First Church
1. I wish someone had told me not to neglect time for prayer and Study. I couldn’t wait to be in the pastorate full time. I would have an unlimited amount of time to pray and craft some of the best messages ever heard. Only to discover that the rigors and demands of the pastorate would […]
30 Questions to ask your kid instead of “How was your day?”
30 Questions to Ask Your Kid instead of “How was your day?” (This post originally appeared at by Sara Goldstein. Sept. 1, 2015) When I picked my son up from his first day of 4th grade, my usual (enthusiastically delivered) question of “how was your day?” was met with his usual (indifferently delivered) “fine.” […]
You Need To Relax!!!
I am a ministry professional. A Pastor to be exact. I love what I do! I couldn’t see doing anything else with my life. But it is a profession where it seems like the demands of the job never end. It is relentless. We are constantly in demand. Constantly being pulled in several different directions. […]
3 Helpful Principles For Personal Bible Study
Have you ever really wanted to study the bible but just didn’t know how or even where to start? You have good intentions and start off with a lot zeal, but simply get stumped and discouraged. Believer it or not there is a process for properly understanding and studying the bible. Here is a basic […]
10 Suggestions For Running Effective Meetings
“Oh brother! Another meeting!!!! Just the word “meeting” can give way to images of boredom, daydreaming and frustration. I have found, however, that much of the frustration is in the lack of proper preparation prior to the meeting, and a lack of effective facilitation during the meeting. When prior preparation and facilitation are done well, […]
6 Suggestions When Interviewing For A Pastor/Church Staff Position
1999 was a hallmark year in my life. I purchased my first home. I celebrated the birth of my 2nd daughter. I assumed my first pastorate. Yes my first pastorate! After about a year long process, involving resumes, background check, credit check, trial teaching and preaching. I was called to a final interview. I […]
Why Pastors Are More Vulnerable to Sexual Temptation
We are all familiar with the headlines of yet another breaking story of a pastor who has fallen victim to sexual sin. Though it is not surprising anymore, it is still a subject that raise eyebrows. No one is immune to sexual temptation. It doesn’t matter what your job is, how old you are, […]
Who Is In Your Kitchen Cabinet
The other day I was grabbing something out of my kitchen cabinet, and a powerful lesson leaped from the shelves. In my kitchen cabinet I have various shelves with different types of utensils on them. One shelf has plates and saucers. Another shelf has cups and bowls. And yet another shelf has wine […]
4 Decision Making Tips
Managing church operations presents many challenges and decision making is at the core of all managerial functions. There are many approaches to decision making in business management and it is important to have consistency in the managerial decision making process. There are daily decision that need to be made and a structured process helps to […]
Pastor or Boss? When to Change Hats?
Any Pastor can attest to the fact that they will be called upon to fulfill numerous roles and wear numerous hats. Knowing when to wear certain hats can become a challenge. Pastors at times have two hats, the pastor hat and the boss hat. Wearing the wrong hat at the wrong time can be detrimental. […]
9 Ways To Hurt Your Pastor
Pastors are people. Some may think that pastors are invincible and unbreakable. But they are real people who can really be hurt. If you need some ideas to hurt your pastor, one of the following approaches will work just fine. But, if you are like most good church members, you want the best for your […]
5 Realities of Leadership
Great leaders oftentimes make leadership look very easy. Many of the leaders I remember and encounter always seemed to be poised and confident. They seemed to always know what to say and how to handle any situation. I never saw a chink in the “armor” of the leader. But now that I have been in […]
10 Reasons for Expository Preaching
Ten Reasons for Expository Preaching by E.K. Bailey The late Dr. E.K. Bailey, founding pastor of the Concord Church in Dallas, wrote a booklet, entitled, “Ten Reasons for Expository Preaching.” In this booklet, Dr. Bailey defines expository preaching: “An expository sermon is a message that focuses on a portion of scripture so as […]
3 Roadblocks that Prevent Church Change
Change in any arena is challenging at best and just downright difficult and frustrating at worse. Whether that change is attempted in your home, business, workplace, or yes even in church it can be one of the most daunting tasks to take on. Change is inevitable, it is going to happen whether we want […]
You Have To Pay To Park
I live in Northern California, the San Francisco Bay Area to be exact. In my opinion it is one of the most diverse and beautiful places to live. In just a few short driving hours you can enjoy the sand and surf, the rolling hills of wine country, and the serene scene of high altitude […]